To move and control an object using arrow keys. For example, if you are going to create pacman game. In that case you have to control the pacman with the help of arrow keys. In this tutorial I will tell you the easiest way to do this. I have written this tutorial hoping that you already have knowledge of c/c graphics. If you don't have any. I can do graphics in Dev- C. I am using Dev-C.:). Just follow the instructions carefully and do not forget to put linkers. You can't do a graphics by making a new source file. You need to do a new project to put linkers. Yes, but you are not using the 16-bit functions that are.
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iomanip is a library that is used to manipulate the output of C++ program. Using C++, header providing parametric manipulators as shown below −
Parametric manipulators
Process.h In C++
Below are the Parametric manipulators −
Process.h In Cpp
Sr.No. | Method & description |
1 | setiosflags It is used to Set format flags. |
2 | resetiosflags It reset format flags. |
3 | setbase It is used to set basefield flag. |
4 | setfill It is used to set fill character. |
5 | setprecision It is used to set decimal precision. |
6 | setw It is used to set field width. |
7 | get_money It is used to get monetary value. |
8 | put_money It is used to put monetary value. |
9 | get_time It is used to get date and time. |
10 | put_time It is used to put date and time. |